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Video Galleries
C-TIER Education Series

Telehealth Patient Education Introduction

Telehealth Patient Education: Visual Learning with an Asthmatic Child

Telehealth Patient Education: Kinesthetic Learning with a Diabetic Patient

Telehealth Patient Education: Read/Write Learning with a Post-discharge Patient

Physical Exams

Telehealth Physical Exam: ENT

Telehealth Physical Exam: Skin

Telehealth Physical Exam: Abdominal

Telehealth Physical Exam: Cardiopulmonary

Telehealth Physical Exam: Neurological

Telehealth Physical Exam: Musculoskeletal

Introduction to Conducting Physical Exams via Telehealth with Devices

Conducting a Pediatric Well-visit using a Mobile Telehealth Device

Using Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) Equipment to Assess Congestive Heart Failure

Mobile Telehealth Device used to Assess Back Pain between Nurse Practitioner and Specialist

Telehealth Robot Assists Nursing Facility Staff Communicate Assessment with Primary Care Provider

Pre-op Airway Assessment via a Telehealth Cart and Oral Camera

Etiquette Series

Telehealth Etiquette: Introduction

Telehealth Etiquette: Medical Consult

Telehealth Etiquette: Behavioral Consult

Telehealth Etiquette: Being the Third Wheel

Telehealth Etiquette: Smart Interaction with Telehealth

Telehealth Etiquette: Blooper #1

Telehealth Etiquette: Blooper #2

Telehealth Etiquette: Blooper #3

National & Regional Committees
To view our teams involvement in National & Regional Committees, visit our team page.