Tina Gustin, DNP, CNS
Center Director of C-TIER
As Assistant Professor of Nursing and the Director of C-TIER, I am passionate about developing students, providers, and faculty in all aspects of telehealth. I believe that telehealth is vital in overcoming many of the barriers encountered in healthcare. I bring to the Center over 35 years of advanced practice nursing experience in the pediatric acute care setting and over 10 years in telehealth. I serve as the clinical manager for telehealth at The Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters where I am involved in telehealth training and the implementation of new telehealth programs. I have a specific interest in telehealth etiquette and the development of the unique skill set that providers need to effectively deliver care through technologies. I have served on the American Nurses Association task force for technology, and most recently participated in developing the telehealth education consensus document for the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM). I find that telehealth policy development is a role that must not be overlooked; I serve on the Advisory Board for the Center for Telehealth eHealth Law (CTeL). Some of my more exciting roles in C-TIER are to leverage technology, innovation, product design and development. I enjoy collaborating with different professionals and organizations in the development of new telehealth programs.
National & Regional Committees- Center for Telehealth and eHealth Law (CTel)
- https://www.telehealthlawcenter.org
- Advisory Board Member
- Supporting Pediatric Research on Outcomes and Utilization of Telehealth (SPROUT)
- https://services.aap.org/en/community/aap-sections/telehealth-care/sprout/
- Member, Telehealth Education Workgroup
- Member, Telehealth Metrics Workgroup
- Chair, Telehealth Equity Workgroup
- National Science Fund (NSF) – Small Business Innovation (SBIR)
- https://seedfund.nsf.gov
- Reviewer, Digital Health & Healthcare Systems (COVID-19), proposal
- Virginia Mental Health Access Program (VMAP)
- https://www.vmap.org
- Advisory Board Member
- Director, Telehealth Workgroup
- American Nurses Association (ANA) 2018 – 2019
- https://www.nursingworld.org/get-involved/share-your-expertise/pro-issues-panel/connected-health-telehealth/
- Advisory Committee for Connected Health/Telehealth Professional Issues Panel
- Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) 2019 – 2020
- https://www.saem.org/home
- Co-authored White Paper for Preparing Emergency Medicine Doctors for Telehealth Delivery
- American Telemedicine Association (ATA)
- https://www.americantelemed.org
- Member, Nursing Work Group

Carolyn M. Rutledge, PhD, FNP
Academic Director of C-TIER
As Professor and Associate Chair of the School of Nursing at Old Dominion University, I have advocated for the development of empowered healthcare providers and educators that can truly address the healthcare needs of our society. In 2010, I wrote our first grant proposal that provided funding to implement telehealth education within our interprofessional education programs. It was the only way I could see that we, as providers and educator, could reach the patients in the rural and underserved communities. Having grown up in rural America and having cared for many vulnerable populations as a nurse practitioner for 32 years, I have been able to witness first-hand the power of telehealth. I have sought opportunities to expand telehealth education throughout the country through federally funded projects, publications, presentations, and most recently through a telehealth certification program for providers and educators. I was the lead in developing the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties position paper on educating nurse practitioners in telehealth. I am currently serving as the consultant leading the development of a national telehealth education toolkit for healthcare faculty seeking to integrate telehealth into their educational programs. In 2014, I received the SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Award, the highest honor provided to faculty in Virginia due to my work in addressing the needs of rural and underserved populations and telehealth integration.
National & Regional Committees- National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty (NONPF) https://www.nonpf.org/ Carolyn Rutledge - Telehealth Committee Lead writer on the NONPF Telehealth Position Statement . Leader in providing timely and critical resources for NP educators. Advances innovative models that support NP educational programs to meet the highest quality standards and transform healthcare. Telehealth Committee identifies best practices and faculty resources for the implementation of telehealth education within Nurse Practitioner programs.
- Virginia Telehealth Network (VTN) https://www.ehealthvirginia.org Carolyn Rutledge - Board Member, Secretary
- National Telehealth Education Toolkit https://telehealtheducation-ctier.group Carolyn Rutledge - Consultant-Telehealth Expert . Educational Toolkit for Faculty that are integrating telehealth education within curriculum. Provides models, resources, examples, and competencies for telehealth education

Michele Bordelon, MSEd
Manager of C-TIER
I have had the pleasure of working with the ODU School of Nursing since 2010 on telehealth education programming and development. As the C-TIER Telehealth Manager, I am responsible for coordinating all telehealth activities and tracking outcomes. My previous work in healthcare marketing and marketing strategy consulting, wellness coaching, and healthcare administration has afforded me an inside view into the industry challenges and strengths. I have used this knowledge in our educational programming and grown along with the telehealth industry as it has developed from a “could be convenient” to a now “absolutely needed” healthcare delivery vehicle. My role includes, staying up-to-date with technology development and trends, managing and maintaining the array of equipment we use for training, maintaining vendor relationships, coordinating Center educational/programming pursuits and acting as a liaison with our numerous C-TIER' partners. I am actively involved with the Mid Atlantic Telehealth Resource Center annual telehealth summit. With a master's degree in Exercise Science and Wellness from ODU, I have a passion for increasing access to health care and improving outcomes to empower people to become and stay healthy in their homes and lives. Telehealth provides a promising means to this end.
National & Regional Committees- Outreach committee:
- Poster Presentation Program sub-committee
- Poster abstract reviewer sub-committee

Grace Barthold, MSW
Manager of C-TIER
She is the lead Clinical Social Worker for ODU Community Care Clinic and manages all telehealth activities throughout our clinics. Grace additionally supervises Human Service and Social Work students within our clinics. She has had the amazing opportunity to have been working with disadvantages populations, particularly the homeless population for several years. She has a passion for caring for those experiencing the spectrum of homelessness while educating inter-professional clinical students to care for vulnerable populations.