Develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities as well as collaborative relationship needed to conduct research in telehealth.
- Certification programs
- Immersion experiences/rotations
- Project development
- Telehealth instrument (evaluation) development
- Collaborations on research projects, grants, presentations, and publications
Scholarly Works
- Schweickert P, Rutledge CM. (2011). “Telehealth Versus In-Person Stroke Prevention Education in Elderly Adults in Appalachian Virginia”. Telemedicine and e-Health. 17(10) 1-5.
- Rutledge CM, Renaud M, Shepherd L, Bordelon M, Haney T, Gregory D, Ayers P. (2011). "Educating Advanced Practice Nurses in Using Social Media in Rural Healthcare". International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship. 8(1) 1-14.
- Haney, T. & Adams Tufts, K. (2012). A pilot study using electronic communication in home healthcare: Implications on parental well-being and satisfaction caring for medically fragile children. Home Healthcare Nurse. 30(4), 216-224.
- Rutledge, CM, Haney T, Bordelon M, Renaud M, Fowler, C. (2014). “Telehealth: Preparing Advanced Practice Nurses to Address Healthcare Needs in Rural and Underserved Populations”. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship. 11(1). DOI:10.1515/ijnes-2013-0061.
- Gray D, Rutledge CM. (2014). “Using New Communication Technologies: Fostering Interprofessional Collaboration and Telehealth Skills in Nurse Practitioners.” The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 10(10) DOI: 10.1016/j.nupra.2014.06.018
- Fowler C, Haney TS, Rutledge CM. (2014). “An Interprofessional Virtual Healthcare Neighborhood (VHN) for Caregivers of Elderly with Dementia”. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 10 (10), 829-834.
- Gardenier, D., Rutledge, C. M., Gray, D. (2015). Are Nurse Practitioners Ready for Telehealth? The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 11(9), 860–861.
- Fowler, C, Kott, K, Wicks, M, Rutledge, C. (2016). "Effects of an Interdisciplinary Virtual Healthcare Neighborhood: Self-Efficacy and Sleep among Caregivers of Persons with Dementia," Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 42(11), 39-47.
- Fowler, C. Haney, T, Lemaster, M (2016) Helping dementia patients through technology, the future is here. Home Healthcare Now. 34(4), 203-209
- Rutledge, C. M., Kott, K., Schweickert, P., Poston, R., Fowler, C., Haney, T. (2017). “Telehealth and eHealth in Nurse Practitioner Training: Current Perspectives”. Advances in Medical Educations and Practice. 8, 399-409.
- Haney, T. S., Kott, K, Rutledge, C.M., Britton, B., Fowler, C.N., & Poston, R. D. (2018). “How to prepare interterprofessional teams in two weeks: An innovative education program nested in telehealth” The International Journal of Nursing Education and Scholarship. DOI: 10.1515/ijnes-2017-0040.
- Schweickert, P., Rheuban, K., Wiles, L., Fowler, C., Haney, T., Rutledge, C.M. (2018). “The APN-PLACE Telehealth Education Network: Legal and Regulatory Considerations for Telehealth Enhanced Clinical Education”. Journal of Nurse Regulations. DOI: 10.1016/S2155-8256(18)30054-1.
- Gustin TS, Kott K, Rutledge C. (2019). Telehealth etiquette training: a guideline for preparing interprofessional teams for successful encounters. Nurse Educator. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000680.
- Rutledge, CM, Hawkins, E. Bordelon, M, Gustin, T. (2020). “Telehealth Education: An Interprofessional Online Immersion Experience in Response to COVID-19," Journal of Nursing Education. Provisionally Accepted. (JNE-2020-345).
- Schweickert, P. & Rutledge, C.M. (editors). Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing. New Jersey: Slack Incorporated. June 2020.
- Alabdullah, J. H., VanLunen, B., Claiborne, D., Daniel, S. J., Yen, C. Gustin T. S. (2020, July 24). Application of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Model to Predict Dental Students’ Intention to Use Telehealth. Journal of Dental Education https://doi.org/10.1002/jdd.12304
- Chernitzer, D. H. Gustin, T. S. (2020) “Evaluating advanced practice nurses’ knowledge and use of e-Consults” Journal of Nurse Practitioners 16, 151-153 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nurpra.2019.11.023
- Le-Jenkins, U., Gustin, T., Cartagena D., Renaud, S. (2020) “Effectiveness of primary care based pediatric weight management program. Journal of Doctoral of Nursing Practice. 13(1), 9-16. https://dx.dot.org/10.1891/2380-9418.13.1.9
- Rutledge, C. A., Gustin, T. “Preparing Registered Nurses for their Roles in Telehealth Post COVID-19” Online Journal of Issues in Nursing (in print)
Doctoral Student Research Mentoring
- Jafar H. Alabdulla, H. “Application of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of the Technology Model to Predict Dental Students; Intention to Use Teledentistry” (Completed - Gustin)
- Emily Fisher “Perceptions of Telehealth in the Healthcare Transition Process” (In Progress - Gustin)
- Kelli Garber “Telehealth Education: Impact on Provider Experience and Adoption” (In Progress - Gustin)
- Erin Brawner “Evaluating the Impact of Remote Patient Monitoring for Pediatric Pain and Palliative Care Patients on the Hospital System and Provider” (In Progress - Gustin)
- Allison Walton “Caring for the Stroke Caregiver: Investigating a Telehealth Intervention” May 2016 (Gustin)
- Denise Chernitzer “Assessing the use of eConsults by Physicians and Nurse Practitioners” 2019 (Gustin)
- Margaret Constante. “Parental Empowerment Program for Children with Atopic Dermatitis: Interventions Utilizing Telehealth” May 2014 (Gustin)
- Mary Highton. “The Use of Video-technology to Improve Breastfeeding Outcomes for Mothers of Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit” May 2014 (Gustin)
- Karen Frye. “Diabetes: Telehealth for Improving Outcomes in Primary Care.” May 2013 (Gustin)
- Christina Gonzalez-Wilson. “Facebook: An Educational Tool for Young Women in an OB/GYN Office” May 2013 (Gustin)
- Lisa Lee. “Web-based versus Face-to-Face Dyslipidemia Education for an at Risk Indigent Population.” May 2013 (Gustin)
National Blogs
- Rutledge, CM & Gustin, TS. (March 23, 2020). Melnic: Blog. 7 Steps to Implementing a Telehealth Program: COVID-19 Solutions. Ed. Moran, E. https://www.melnic.com/7-steps-to-implementing-a-telehealth-program-covid-1…
- Rutledge, CM & Gustin, TS. (March 27, 2020). Melnic: Blog. Providing Telehealth in this Time of Crisis: Removing Barriers. Ed. Moran, E. https://www.melnic.com/providing-telehealth-in-this-time-of-crisis-removing…
White Papers
Rutledge, C.M., Pitts, C., Poston, R. & Schweickert, P. (2018). National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty (NONPF) Position Paper: Telehealth in Nurse Practitioner Education. (Guidelines for the role of telehealth in nurse practitioner education). This is the first healthcare organization to have a position statement on Telehealth Education.
Books/Book Chapters
- Schweickert, P. & Rutledge, C.M. (editors). Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing. New Jersey: Slack Incorporated. June 2020.
- Rutledge, C. M, Gustin, T. S. (2020) Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing. Chapter 9 “Telehealth and Interprofessional Collaboration” In Schweickert P. A. Rutledge C. (Ed). SLACK Incorporated, Thorofare, NJ
- Rutledge, C. Gustin, T. S. Schweickert, P, A, (2020) “Telehealth Competencies: Knowledge and Skills” In Schweickert P. A. Rutledge C. (Ed). SLACK Incorporated, Thorofare, NJ
- Wibberly, K., Gustin, T. Telemedicine: Overview and Application in Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy, and Sleep Medicine. “People Issues in Telemedicine” New York, NY: Springer Publishing (in press)
- Gustin T. Telemedicine in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Development and Implementation in Practice “Telehealth Etiquette” New York, NY: Springer Publishing (in press)
Creative Works
Telehealth Clerkship
Developed and implemented a two-week Clerkship on telehealth for 3rd year medical students and 20 faculty/physician providers at Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The clerkship prepared the medical students and faculty providers to deliver telehealth to patients utilizing telehealth. Students were matched with faculty providers from 10 different clinical programs (i.e., OB/GYN, Pediatric Oncology, Mental Health, Internal Medicine, etc.) in order to establish and implement telehealth programs in each specialty. Students and providers identified equipment needed, reimbursement strategies, legal and regulatory issues that would apply to the implementation; developed consent forms and protocol needed for telehealth delivery; and participated in simulation to develop the knowledge and skills needed to deliver telehealth visits. Telehealth programs were launched at the completion of the Clerkship.
Video Production for Telehealth
Wrote and produced a series of Telehealth Assessment Videos on “Conducting a Physical Exam through Videoconferencing without Peripherals” (2020)
Download Videos- ENT
- Skin
- Abdomen
- Cardiopulmonary
- Neurological
- Musculoskeletal
Manuscripts in Progress
- Rutledge, C. M., Hawkins, E. Bordelon, M., Gustin, T. S. “Telehealth education: An interprofessional immersion experience in response to COVID-19” Journal of Nursing Education (In Press)
- Rutledge, C. A., Gustin, T. “Preparing Registered Nurses for their Roles in Telehealth Post COVID-19” Online Journal of Issues in Nursing (In Press)
- Rutledge, C. A., Mason, A . O’Rourke, J. Behnke, L. Melhado, L. Downes, K. Chike-Harris, K., T. Gustin. T. “Telehealth Competencies for Nursing Education and Practice: The Four P’s of Telehealth” Nurse Educator (In Review)
- Rutledge, CM , Gustin T. “DNP Providers as Policy Advocates: Changing the Nursing Role in Advancing the Healthcare Agenda” National DNP Conference, Washington DC August 7-9, 2019
- Rutledge, C.M., Gustin, T., Bordelon, M. “The Development of an Interprofessional Center for Telehealth Innovation, Education, and Research (C-TIER)”. Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Consortium Annual Conference, Williamsburg, VA. March 2019.
- Rutledge, C.M., Gustin (Haney), T. “Collaboration of DNP Providers and Executives using Telehealth”. National DNP Conference, Palm Springs, CA. October 2018.
- Rutledge CM. “APN-PLACE: A Statewide Telehealth Infrastructure for Recruiting and Training Preceptors.” National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty 42nd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. April 6-8, 2017. Symposium.
- Haney, T. Fowler, C., Kott, K., Rutledge, C. “The Importance of Teaching Telehealth Etiquette: The Key to a Successful Visit” MATRC, Cambridge MD, April 2016.
- Haney, TS, Rutledge, C. “Preparing Interprofessional Teams to Utilize Telehealth Technologies to Enhance Geriatric Palliative Care” Poster Presentation, MidAtlantic Telehealth Resource Centers (MATRC) Conference, Greenbrier WV, March 2015 7.
- Haney, T. Kott, K. Fowler, C. (2015) Telehealth etiquette in home health care: The key to a successful visit. Home Healthcare Now. 33(5), 254-259.8. Gray, D., Rutledge, C.M. "Preparing Nurse Practitioners in the Use of Technology to Collaborate Interprofessionally at a Distance". National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty 39th Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA, April 12-13, 2013.
- Haney, T. & Adams Tufts, K. (2012). A pilot study using electronic communication in home healthcare: Implications on parental well-being and satisfaction caring for medically fragile children. Home Healthcare Nurse. 30(4), 216-224.
- Schweickert, P & Rutledge, C.M. “Telehealth Versus In-Person Stroke Prevention Education in Elderly Adults in Appalachian Virginia”. American Telemedicine Association. Tampa, FLA. May 2011.
- Gustin, T. “Week 8: Office Hours #4 Clinical Best Practices” HHS Telemedicine Hack Presenter, September 9, 2020.
- Gustin, T., Granados, O. “ The Development of a Remote Patient Monitoring Project for Pediatric Pain and Palliative Care”. Poster Session. Launching into Telehealth: 2020 Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Virtual Telehealth Conference, June 19, 2020.
- Gustin, T. “ Nurses Place at the Innovation Table: One Universities Experience”. Poster Session. Launching into Telehealth: 2020 Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Virtual Telehealth Conference, Summit June 19, 2020.
- Gustin, T. “The Future of Telehealth Education” General Session. CTeL Summit, Virtual Conference June 18, 2020.
- Rutledge, C.M. & Gustin, T.S. “Making the Pivot: Preparing and transitioning students to Telehealth Clinical Hours in Graduate Nursing Education.” American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). National Webinar. May 11, 2020 (~ 250 participants nationally).
- Rutledge, C.M. “Dealing with COVID-19 by Implementing a Telehealth Program: The State of Telehealth Today”. National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty (NONPF). National Webinar in place of the telehealth pre-conference at the 2020 National Conference that was Canceled due to COVID-19. March 31, 2020. Over 520 participates nationally via zoom. https://vimeo.com/nonpf/review/402721796/52d3bf2fc9
- Gustin, T. “Telehealth: A Means for Achieving Excellence - The Future is Now” Elizabeth Nound’s Memorial Lecture, Virginia Academy of Nutrition and Dieticians. Virginia Beach, VA. March 15, 2020.
- Rutledge, CM , Gustin T. “DNP Providers as Policy Advocates: Changing the Nursing Role in Advancing the Healthcare Agenda” National DNP Conference, Washington DC August 7-9, 2019
- Rutledge, C.M., Gustin, T., Bordelon, M. “The Development of an Interprofessional Center for Telehealth Innovation, Education, and Research (C-TIER)”. Mid-Atlantic Telehealth Resource Consortium Annual Conference, Williamsburg, VA. March 2019.
- Gustin, T. “Preparing Students and Providers for Telehealth” Center for Telehealth e-Health Law (CTel) Summit. Break Out Session, Washington DC June 10-11, 2019 (40)
- Rutledge, C.M. “Integration of Telehealth into DNP Didactic Curriculum”. Telehealth Conference for Graduate Nursing Faculty. Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, S.C., January 5, 2019.
- Gustin T. “VMAP Virginia Mental Health Access Program” Panel Presentation. Virginia Telehealth Network Annual Meeting. Charlottesville VA. September 27, 2019.
- Gustin T. “Preparing Tomorrows Providers for Telehealth: Strategies, Evaluation Methods and Outcomes” Panel Presentation. SEARCH Telehealth Research Conference, Chicago, Il August 28, 2019
- Gustin T. “Lights Camera Action-Telehealth Etiquette-Take One: The Importance of Including Website Manner Skills into Your Curriculum” South Central Telehealth Forum Key Note. Nashville TN. August 19-20, 2019
- Rutledge, C.M., Gustin (Haney), T. “Collaboration of DNP Providers and Executives using Telehealth”. National DNP Conference, Palm Springs, CA. October 2018.
- Gustin, T. S. Virtual Healthcare in the Mainstream. “Telehealth Education” Panel Presentation and Assisting with Hands on Lab. Weill Cornell University, NY, NY. October 26-27, 2018
- Gustin, T. S. “Telehealth: What DNP Leaders in Clinical and Administrative Practice Need to Know to Improve Healthcare” Annual National Association of Doctor of Nursing Practice Conference. Key Note Presentation. Palm Springs, CA. September 27-29, 2018
- Haney, T., Educating and Training for Effective Telehealth Care Delivery” Panel Presentation. MATRC. Summit, Hershey, PA., April 17, 2018
- Haney, T., Kott, K. “The Interprofessional Telehealth Communication Tool: A New Tool for Measuring Team Telehealth Performance” Poster. MATRC. Summit, Hershey. PA., April 16, 2018
- Kott, K., Haney, T. Britton, B. “Telehealth a “Team Sport:” A New Instrument to Measure Student Performance” Panel Presentation 6th Annual Emswiller Conference. Richmond, VA, February 3, 2018
- Haney, T. “Telehealth Funding Guide: An Analysis of Trends in the World of Grant, Angel, and Private Equity Money” Panel Presentation CTel Summit. Washington DC, November 30, 2017.
- Haney, T.,Britton, B., Kott, K. “The Development and Evaluation of Two Tools Designed to Measure Telehealth Knowledge and Telehealth Performance” Podium Presentation. SEARCH Conference, Philadelphia, PA Oct. 5-6, 2017.
- Haney, T. “Telehealth Etiquette: An Important Yet Forgotten Part of a Telehealth Visit” Podium Presentation, University of New Hampshire’s Annual Clinical Symposium Spotlight on Care Innovations. Manchester, NH August 2017
- Haney, T. “Telehealth Etiquette and Patient Engagement” C-Tel Spring Summit, Panel Presentation, Washington, DC. June 1-2, 2017
- Haney T. & Kott K “Telehealth Etiquette: A Missing Yet Critical Piece in Telehealth Education” Poster Presentation, American Telehealth Association, Orlando, FL April 2017
- Haney T. & Kott, K “Telehealth Etiquette: Not an Intuitive Skill” Podium Presentation, 1st Annual SEARCH Meeting Leesburg, VA. April 2017
- Haney, T. “Preparing Interprofessional Teams to Transform Healthcare using Telehealth” Panel Presentation, MATRC, Cambridge MD, April 2016
- Haney, T. “Preparing Interprofessional Teams for Telehealth” Plenary Session National Telehealth Conference, Cincinnati, OH March 2016
- Rutledge CM. “APN-PLACE: A Statewide Telehealth Infrastructure for Recruiting and Training Preceptors.” National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty 42nd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. April 6-8, 2017. Symposium.
- Haney, T. Fowler, C., Kott, K., Rutledge, C. “The Importance of Teaching Telehealth Etiquette: The Key to a Successful Visit” MATRC, Cambridge MD, April 2016.
- Haney, TS, Rutledge, C. “Preparing Interprofessional Teams to Utilize Telehealth Technologies to Enhance Geriatric Palliative Care” Poster Presentation, MidAtlantic Telehealth Resource Centers (MATRC) Conference, Greenbrier WV, March 2015
- Gray, D., Rutledge, C.M. "Preparing Nurse Practitioners in the Use of Technology to Collaborate Interprofessionally at a Distance". National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty 39th Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA, April 12-13, 2013.
- Schweickert, P & Rutledge, C.M. “Telehealth Versus In-Person Stroke Prevention Education in Elderly Adults in Appalachian Virginia”. American Telemedicine Association. Tampa, FLA. May 2011.
- Haney, TS., Adams-Tufts, K. “Electronic Communication in Pediatric Home Health: Impact on Parental Well-Being and Satisfaction.” Podium, Southern Nursing Research Society. March 2012.
Radio and Television Interviews
- Gustin, TS (8/19/2020) Interviewed by Joe Colletti Topic: C-TIER Certification Program and the Need for Telehealth Education. Friends with Benefits Radio Telehealth Talk
- Gustin, TS. & Rutledge CM. Interview by Cathy Lewis. Hearsay with Cathy Lewis.Connecting with the Elderly/University Life. Topic: Impact of Telehealth During COVID-19. (3/31/20).
- Gustin, TS. & Rutledge, CM. Interviewed by Allison Bazzle. (4/1/20). WVEC-TV Norfolk- Channel 13 ABC. Doctors switch to virtual appointments during pandemic. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/doctors-switch-to-virtual-appointm…
- Gustin, TS. & Rutledge, CM. Interviewed by Erin Miller. (4/1/20). WTKR-TV – Channel 3. Local Telehealth Services Surge Amid Coronavirus Crisis.https://www.wtkr.com/news/local-telehealth-services-surge-amid-coronavirus-…
Journal Interview
- Rutledge, CM, & Gustin, TS. Interviewed by Steven Blackburn. April 7, 2020. University Business. “How this university is teaching telehealth during coronavirus”. https://universitybusiness.com/teaching-telehealth-services-remote-patient-monitoring-coronavirus-covid-19/
- Interviewed by Marie Albiges. “Doctors are seeing patients online during coronavirus — and it could change medicine forever.” The Virginian-Pilot . April 6, 2020.
- Interviewed by Matthew Prensky. “Coronavirus: Why Virginia Eastern Shore, rural areas are at disadvantage”. Salisbury Times. March 17, 2020.
- Rutledge, CM & Gustin, TS. (March 23, 2020). Melnic: Blog. 7 Steps to Implementing a Telehealth Program: COVID-19 Solutions. Ed. Moran, E. https://www.melnic.com/7-steps-to-implementing-a-telehealth-program-covid-1…
Many of the nurse training grants listed below provided funding for our telehealth education programs. They are identified with an *.
- Department of Health and Human Services NEPQR Program, ““Advanced Practice Registered Nurse – Behavioral health, Interprofessional, Leadership, and Telehealth (APRN-BILT)”. July 2020-June 2023. ($1,500,000.00). PI: Carolyn Rutledge, Co-PIs: Tina Gustin, Christianne Nesbitt, Karen Higgins, Diana Cartagena, Jeff Moe.
- Department of Health and Human Services ANEW Program. Loyola University. Telehealth Website Development. July 2019-June 2020. ($45,000 subaward). PI form ODU: Carolyn Rutledge.*
- MITRE (Summer 2019). Consultation as Telehealth Subject Matter Experts for Remote Patient Monitoring. ($39,000.00). Gustin, T. Rutledge C.
- Department of Health and Human Services MCHP: Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program “VMAP-Virginia Mental Health Access Program” October 2018-Ocotober 2023 ($445,000/year; $2,225,000.00/5-years) Project Director: Cornelia Deagle VDH, Medical Director Sandy Chung, Care Coordination: Rachel Reynolds, Education: Beth Ellen Davis, Telehealth Director: Tina Gustin, Reginal Directors: Richard Leichtweis, Lee Beers, Bela Sood, Stephanie Osler, Ellen Davis, Felicity Adams, Consultant: Carolyn Rutledge. Old Dominion University Summer Research Fellowship Program (June 2017). Telehealth is More Than Technology: A Tool for Measuring Provider Performance. ($7,000) PI: Tina Haney
- Department of Health and Human Services Advanced Practice Nursing Program, “APN PLACE: A Telehealth Network for Developing APN Preceptor Opportunities in Rural VA.” July 2015-July 2019. ($2,035,322.00). PI’s: Carolyn Rutledge, Co-PIs: Tina Haney, Rebecca Poston, Christianne Fowler, Patty Schweickert, Karen Reed, Katherine Reid.
- Department of Health and Human Services Advanced Practice Nursing Program, “Interprofessional Education for Advanced Practice Nurses.” Sept 2014-August 2017. ($1,209,945.00). Co-PI’s: Carolyn Rutledge, Tina Haney, Karen Kott, Kaprea Johnson, Rebecca Poston, Bruce Britton, Corrin Richels, Pam Sharp. Department of Health and Human Services Advanced Practice Nursing Taineeship Program, “Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship (AENT) for Distance Learning NPs.” July 2014-June 2016. ($700,000). PI: Carolyn Rutledge. *
- Alzheimer´s and Related Diseases Research Award Fund, “The Effectiveness of a Virtual Healthcare Neighborhood on Improving the Sleep, Social Support, Healthcare Provider Support, and Self-efficacy of the Caregivers of Homebound Elderly with Dementia.” July 2013-June 2014. ($40,000). Co-PI’s: Christianne Fowler, Carolyn Rutledge, Karen Kott, Kaprea Johnson, Meg Lemaster. Department of Health and Human Services Advanced Practice Nursing Program, “Educating Nurse Practitioners to Practice Interprofessionally.” Sept 2012-August 2015. ($1,046,157). Co-PI’s: Carolyn Rutledge, Michelle Renaud, Karen Kott, Kaprea Johnson, Meg Lemaster.*
- Department of Health and Human Services Advanced Practice Nursing Taineeship Program, “Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship (AENT) for Distance Learning NPs.” Sept 2012-July 2014. ($700,000). Co-PI’s: Carolyn Rutledge, Karen Karlowicz.*
- Department of Health and Human Services Advanced Practice Nursing Program, “Training DNP Providers to Address Disparities with Technology.” July 2010-June 2014. ($793,845). Co-PI’s: Michelle Renaud & Carolyn Rutledge.
Research News
January 9, 2020
ODU’s School of Nursing works closely with CHKD. Many pre-licensure nursing students and family, pediatric and neonatal nurse practitioner students do their practicums at CHKD or […]